Although bedrooms in the main house have been occupied in the past, it's been mostly friends and family of the innkeepers, Greg and Amy Gardner, as these rooms needed to be "livened up" just a bit.

The rooms have been redecorated, new beds, bedding, linens, towels, pictures and more. The rooms have come to life with a few extra touches from Amy's keen eye and decorating ideas. In addition, Greg's artistic flare keeps the rooms "alive" with towel animals to greet the guests, as they arrive. Currently, only one animal is available for greeting; however, more will surely follow.

The largest of the rooms is the Banner Room, which has a king size bed and a private bath. There's enough room to sit at the window to enjoy the view, watch TV from the bed or sit in the room's chairs. The bed and hope chest are antiques, the latter being a family heirloom belonging to the Greg's Grandmother. The bedside table, like everything is the room, adds the character os real furniture made with pride, when heavy pieces of real wood were the norm instead of the cheap pressed wood we find so often today.

The bedding isn't all that changed in this room. The addition of an antique marble-top vanity sets the room off.

The smaller Haven Room has just as much charm and the furniture is equally beautiful. The queen bed is another antique that's been in the house for many years, but the Mahogany dresser was supplied by the Gardners and is almost as old as the house.
The skylights provide plenty of natural light.
Don't forget to ask about massage discounts.
Rates starting at $55 per night (including breakfast)